2023-03-03 17:16     (点击: )


李宋娇,女,1992年11月生,湖南浏阳人,博士,校聘教授,硕士生导师。2021年6月博士毕业于武汉大学化学与分子科学学院分析化学专业。2021年9月至今,在15vip太阳集团药物制剂系从事教学科研工作。主要研究方向为分子荧光探针设计及生物医学成像应用研究。以第一作者或通讯作者在Analytical Chemistry、ACS Sensors、Chemical Communications、Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical等专业期刊上发表SCI收录论文10余篇。主持湖南省自然科学基金、湖南省教育厅优秀青年基金、太阳城集团博士启动基金等多个科研项目。参与国家自然科学基金面上项目2项。







(1)Li, Songjiao; Song, Dan; Huang, Weijing; Li, Zhen; Liu, Zhihong ; In Situ Imaging of Cysteine in the Brains of Mice with Epilepsy by a Near-Infrared Emissive Fluorescent Probe, Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92(3): 2802-2808.(JCR1区,IF:8.008)

(2)Li, Song-Jiao; Li, Yong-Fei; Liu, Hong-Wen; Zhou, Dong-Ye; Jiang, Wen-Li; Juan Ou-Yang; Li, Chun-Yan ; A Dual-Response Fluorescent Probe for the Detection of Viscosity and H2S and Its Application in Studying Their Cross-Talk Influence in Mitochondria, Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 90(15): 9418-9425.(JCR1区,IF:8.008)

(3)Li, Song-Jiao; Li, Chun-Yan; Li, Yong-Fei; Fei, Jun-Jie; Wu, Ping; Yang, Bing; Ou-Yang, Juan; Nie, Shi-Xin ; Facile and Sensitive Near-Infrared Fluorescence Probe for the Detection of Endogenous Alkaline Phosphatase Activity In Vivo, Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89(12): 6854-6860.(JCR1区,IF:8.008)

(4)Li, Songjiao; Wang, Peipei; Feng, Wenqi; Xiang, Yunhui; Dou, Kun; Liu, Zhihong ;Simultaneous imaging of mitochondrial viscosity and hydrogen peroxide in Alzheimer's disease by a single near-infrared fluorescent probe with a large Stokes shift, Chemical communications, 2020, 56(7): 1050-1053.(JCR1区,IF:6.065)

(5)Li, Song-Jiao; Zhou, Dong-Ye; Li, Yongfei; Liu, Hong-Wen; Wu, Ping; Ou-Yang, Juan; Jiang, Wen-Li; Li, Chun-Yan ; Efficient Two-Photon Fluorescent Probe for Imaging of Nitric Oxide during Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress, ACS Sensors, 2018, 3(11): 2311-2319(JCR1区,IF:9.618)

(6)Li, Songjiao; Yang, Ke; Liu, Ying; Wang, Peipei; Cheng, Dan; He, Longwei ; An endoplasmic reticulum-targeted near-infrared probe for monitoring HClO fluctuation in diabetic mice and human blood, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2022, 379: 133253.(JCR1区,IF:9.221)

(7)Songjiao Li;Peipei Wang;Ying Liu;Ke Yang;Rongbin Zhong;Dan Cheng;Longwei He;A mitochondrial-targeted near-infrared fluorescent probe for visualizingthe fluctuation of hypochlorite acid in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis mice, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2023, 1239: 340731.(JCR1区,IF:6.911)


